Yes you read that correctly. Now that we are transitioning into spring, NOW is the perfect time to swap your chemical deodorant to a chemical free one.
So what does an armpit detox got to do with it? Well, if you have been using a more traditional deodorant and swap to a natural one, you may find you could react with rashes, excessive odour or excessive sweat. WHY? Because you've been blocking the body's natural ability to sweat and regulate itself. WHY SWAP? Because conventional deodorants have an impressive list of chemicals that have been linked to Alzheimer's disease, hormone disfunction and carcenogenic concerns.
It's as simple as applying a clay mask to your armpit everyday until your symptoms subside...Just like you would to your face.Easy..have you made the transition to natural deodorants yet, how did you go?
Book now for your Nutrition Consultation to start your wellness journey. 🔆